Milla Jovovich

Milla Jovovich
Sexy Women Celebs
Milla Jovovich was 11 years old. In 1987, photographers Gene Lemuel and Peter Duke took polaroids of the 12-year-old Jovovich, and Lemuel later showed the photographs to Herb Ritts. Impressed, Ritts re-shot the polaroids for the October 1987 cover of the Italian fashion magazine Lei; this was the first of her many cover shoots. Milla Jovovich was then noticed by the photographer Richard Avedon. Avedon was head of marketing at Revlon at the time, and chose Jovovich to appear with models Alexa Singer and Sandra Zatezalo in Revlon's "Most Unforgettable Women in the World" advertisements. In 1988, Milla Jovovich made her first professional model contract. Jovovich was among other models who gained controversy for becoming involved in the industry at a young age.
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